Friday, March 21, 2008

Thing #19

Thing 19! Wow what a cool idea to put together a page of all the web2.0 winners. I first checked out the short list! I found several sites we had visted on the 23 Things project, as well as many new ones to explore. In my library I would definitely use this site to find new 2.0 tools to use to help my teachers and students search more effectively, organize bookmarks, tag sites, use online productivity tools and be more productive online.

Some of my favorites were Lulu where you can self publish your own book. I am sure this is something I will use in the future. I would love to write a book for my family for Christmas of Family Recipes. I could also use it with my students at school for a special project. I also found a neat site called Farecast to find the best fares for travel on the net, that will come in handy for summer break. I liked the Peer Trainer site, which is an online site to log your workouts, eating and progress toward fitness goals. You have an online support group to help you achieve your goals. 43 Things is an online goal setting site where others cheer you on toward your goals. What I learned most exploring this site is there is a site out there for everybody and many of these sites can save you a great amount of time! The categories for the awards were as diverse as the internet ranging from business applications, social networking to entertainment. This was fun to explore and I bookmarked it so I can checkout the other winners when I have more time!

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